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Writer's picturePaul Larkin

VOICE: how to sound more interesting

What do you mean by "Use gestures, tone, volume, speed and pitch?"

The content of our speech is important. But, just as important, is the way you say those words. We call this 'modulation'.

We can say words with a high voice or a low voice (pitch/intonation). We can say them loudly or softly (volume). We can speak quickly or slowly (speed/pace). We can involve our emotions regardless of the words we are using (tone). The way we say our words is important.

What do you mean by 'voice modulation'?

To sound more interesting to other people, you should avoid speaking in a monotone. Monotone is when you do not put any enthusiasm into what you are saying. There is no variation.

The opposite of monotone is modulation. Modulation is vocal variety. It includes tone, volume, speed and pitch. They add zest to your speech.


Tone happens when you put emotion into your voice. When you speak with emotion, your voice sounds higher or lower. When you vary your tone, you avoid speaking in a monotone which is boring for your listener.


When you vary the loudness of your speech, you can create emphasis or intrigue. A word said with force can stress the importance of the word. A word that is whispered can create curiosity and attentiveness. Volume really does generate interest in what you are saying.


Speed is the pace of your speech. Speak quickly and you can add tension to your words. Speak slowly and you generate a relaxed atmosphere. Do not be afraid of pausing. When you stop, you give your audience time to assimilate the thoughts you are conveying.

What do you mean by pitch?

Pitch is the use of a high voice or a low voice. Your pitch can rise if you are asking a question. Your pitch can rise higher if you are expressing surprise. Your pitch can fall when you have finished speaking. Pitch adds emphasis to what you are saying. Use pitch to create an emotional element to your speaking.


I hope this session on "Using your voice to add interest to your speech" has been useful. When you vary your tone, volume, speed and pitch - you give your speech an extra dimension that makes it memorable. Every success.


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